Lupe 1-50 of 2377 (recent | alphabetically)
__xxx_Werewolf_xxx__ the Blue Lupe 26 Jul 2024 adopt!
runescape_lupe the Green Lupe 26 Jul 2024 adopt!
Rock_line the Yellow Lupe 23 Jul 2024 adopt!
Simba_0 the Yellow Lupe 23 Jul 2024 adopt!
luppppppee the Green Lupe 19 Jul 2024 adopt!
SilverKupa the Blue Lupe 19 Jul 2024 adopt!
fruit_lops the Green Lupe 19 Jul 2024 adopt!
crazyboy21 the Red Lupe 18 Jul 2024 adopt!
lukaaaass the Blue Lupe 18 Jul 2024 adopt!
Soul24 the Yellow Lupe 16 Jul 2024 adopt!
Soul468 the Green Lupe 16 Jul 2024 adopt!
Soul_06 the Yellow Lupe 16 Jul 2024 adopt!
Soul_59 the Blue Lupe 16 Jul 2024 adopt!
Soul_72 the Blue Lupe 16 Jul 2024 adopt!
crazycavan the Blue Lupe Y7, 13 Jul 2024 adopt!
tyrell_5 the Blue Lupe 12 Jul 2024 adopt!
TUTUPEC the Green Lupe 10 Jul 2024 adopt!
Two_Twenty the Blue Lupe 09 Jul 2024 adopt!
luuuups the Blue Lupe 04 Jul 2024 adopt!
snoOppx the Blue Lupe 03 Jul 2024 adopt!
BRONZZOR the Blue Lupe 27 Jun 2024 adopt!
mexilho the Blue Lupe 27 Jun 2024 adopt!
skquiv the Yellow Lupe Y9, 24 Jun 2024 adopt!
Kumal_42 the Blue Lupe 23 Jun 2024 adopt!
Kumal_41 the Red Lupe 23 Jun 2024 adopt!
kumal_21 the Blue Lupe 23 Jun 2024 adopt!
snufver the Blue Lupe 23 Jun 2024 adopt!
cocoqww the Blue Lupe SEP Y9, 23 Jun 2024 adopt!
silver_wolf_3 the Blue Lupe 19 Jun 2024 adopt!
rove404 the Yellow Lupe 16 Jun 2024 adopt!
star_boy21 the Green Lupe 15 Jun 2024 adopt!
swooppr the Green Lupe 15 Jun 2024 adopt!
sunnygirl_16 the Blue Lupe Y9, 29 May 2024 adopt!
Suncatcher123 the Red Lupe Y9, 29 May 2024 adopt!
sunwolf188 the Yellow Lupe Y8, 29 May 2024 adopt!
sunset_971 the Blue Lupe Y8, 29 May 2024 adopt!
Sunset_500 the Blue Lupe Y8, 29 May 2024 adopt!
sunray_1 the Yellow Lupe Y8, 29 May 2024 adopt!
sunnydog582 the Yellow Lupe Y8, 29 May 2024 adopt!
sunnyboy806 the Yellow Lupe Y8, 29 May 2024 adopt!
sunny_boy669 the Yellow Lupe Y8, 29 May 2024 adopt!
Sunfire44 the Yellow Lupe Y8, 29 May 2024 adopt!
sundae6 the Red Lupe Y8, 29 May 2024 adopt!
Sundae_11 the Blue Lupe Y8, 29 May 2024 adopt!
sunwolf78 the Blue Lupe Y7, 29 May 2024 adopt!
sunspot807 the Blue Lupe Y7, 29 May 2024 adopt!
SunRay348 the Yellow Lupe Y7, 29 May 2024 adopt!
Sunray181 the Yellow Lupe Y7, 29 May 2024 adopt!
Sunnyboy_321 the Yellow Lupe Y7, 29 May 2024 adopt!
Sunny282 the Green Lupe Y7, 29 May 2024 adopt!

Feedback & Additions/Removals

  • Submit pets updates and additions or site questions here:
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(so we can reply to you, if needed)


Staff updates

Neopets Blackout Weekend

In order to support Jellyneo and the Neopets community at large, we will be joining them for their blackout weekend Due to travel I can’t update the website properly to reflect that right now. But what this does mean is that we will not be updating or adding new pets to the site this weekend. … Continue reading Neopets Blackout Weekend

We’re back(ish)

We’re aware that functionality is still limited, we’ll be continuing work on it tomorrow. Thank you all for your patience, concern, and support for the last month, it has meant a lot to us! Feel free to send us updates or lists of pets you’ve been hoarding to get on the site, we’ll be hard … Continue reading We’re back(ish)

Older updates

Link us

I was found through the Lost and Pound.

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Credit: Vicky.

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Credit: Vicky.

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Credit: Avalon.

Adopt a lost Neopet!

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Link to our petpage (within Neopets):

Credit: Avalon.

Adopt a lost Neopet!

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Link to our petpage (within Neopets):

Credit: Riley.

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The people who help us find stuck pets and submit them, of whom there are too many to name.

Site owned by: Arden

Current Staff: Lauren , Zilenca , Sme , Charlene , Alix , Kim , Jose , Lyss , Jen , Kathy , Katy , Chrissa , Glass , Kelly , Naea , Florian , Electra , Olivia , Harmony , Beluga , Lois , Kimmi , Nikki , Jess , Rini , Nix

Former Staff includes: Viderire , Tinq , Mrs. Morris , Bug , Clare , Jenn , Reese , October , Irie , Rayray , Lady Brasa , Husk , Kanra , Lillian. , Rith , Mina , Kira , Kait , Mike

Project founded by: Nathalie

Inspired by: Blu's petpage(now defunct)

Some content and gigantic pet list gathered by Arden ( Coded by Anna (

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